Introducing RedSnake Tactical's nEXTgen Bottom Metal for Tikka T3 / T3x rifles. Our patented, extended length designs allow longer overall cartridge lengths to feed from magazines compared to OALs that have been previously possible with existing DBM/bottom metal parts.

Tikka Bottom Metal

Tikka T3 / T3x Long Action AICS Bottom Metal

Our Tikka nEXTgen Long Action AICS Bottom Metal uses long action AICS 3.715" magazines and is a drop-in replacement bottom metal for factory stocks and aftermarket stocks with factory bottom metal inlet. We also have a long action version that uses the SAKO TRG 300 WM magazine. Both of our long action Tikka nEXTgen Bottom Metal models will allow rounds with an OAL of 3.500" to feed from magazines -- with NO MODIFICATION OF YOUR ACTIO!!.

Tikka T3 / T3x Short Action AICS Bottom Metal

We are beginning production on our nEXTgen Short Action AICS bottom metal.

Available Early 2025

Made in the USA

*Some stocks may require minor modification. Professional gunsmith installation suggested.
Tikka T3 AICS Long Action Bottom Metal

Run AICS magazines in your Tikka factory stock!

Our long action Tikka nEXTgen AICS Bottom Metal is compatible with factory stocks and aftermarket stocks with factory bottom metal inlet. No modification of your action is necessary!

Which Bottom Metal is Right For You?


Tikka nEXTgen
Long Action AICS

Tikka nEXTgen
Long Action TRG

Tikka nEXTgen
Short Action AICS

Action Tikka (LA) Tikka (LA) Tikka (SA)
Magazine 3.715" AICS Sako TRG42 .300 WM

3.055" AICS

Fits Factory T3x Stocks YES* NO YES*
Fits Aftermarket Stocks YES YES  YES
Inlet Factory T3x Bottom Metal Custom Inlet  Factory T3x Bottom Metal
Drop In Ready YES* Requires Adjusting Lever Length YES*

*Requires minor modification of Tikka T3x factory stock. See Installation Instructions for more information.


We are pleased to announce that McMillan Stocks is now offering inletting for our Tikka bottom metal!

Customer Comments

Works Perfect

...tested it out in a McMillan A3 that was inletted for factory T3 DBM and it work just as it should...

Eric Smith, ES-Tactical

Loving it

It is feeding like butter. Mag seat secure and drop smooth. Loving it so far.

Mark, Exo Mtn Gear

Precision Rifle Hunters
ES Tactical